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2024-02-19 10:25:17
美[vɪnblɑːsˌtiːn]  英[vɪnblæstiːn]
n.  [药]长春碱(一种抗肿瘤药)


  1. periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Velban) that disrupts cell division


  1. Abstract Vinblastine is one of the alkaloids from catharanthus roseus. 摘要 长春碱是长春花中所含生物碱的一种。
  2. Effects of Camptothecin, Amsacrine and Vinblastine on the cell cycle of lymphocytic or myelogenous leukemia cells. 喜树碱、胺苯吖啶、长春花碱对淋巴细胞性和髓样白血病细胞周期的影响。
  3. Antitumor drug vinorelbine tartrate was synthesised from vinblastine sulfate in 15. 从硫酸长春碱合成抗癌药酒石酸长春瑞宾,总收率15.3%25。
  4. Objective:To optimize the polymerization conditions of vinblastine(VLB) imprinted polymer. 目的:优化长春碱分子印迹聚合物的制备工艺。
  5. They found a number of drugs, including the cancer drug vinblastine may counter this process. 同时,研究团队也发现,一些药物,包括抗癌药vinblastine可能会对抗这个作用。
  6. Chemotherapy consisted of MOPP-ABV (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone -- doxorubicin, bleomycin and vinblastine). Median follow-up was 92 months. 化疗方案为MOPP-ABV方案(氮芥、长春新碱、甲基苄肼、强的松,阿霉素、博莱霉素和长春花碱)。跟踪期中位为92个月。