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2024-02-19 10:28:17
美  英
n.  文斯(人名;Vincent的昵称)


  1. Vince Carter - Vince is a tossup. 7卡特卡特是一名投手。
  2. The two boys are Vinces friends, Terry and Jim. 这两个男孩是Vince的朋友,terry和Jim。
  3. Vince: Im afraid that isnt possible. 文斯:这恐怕不可能。
  4. Dave: Geez. Does Vince know about this? 戴夫:天啊。文斯知道这档事吗?
  5. Whats the thing that Vince is most proud of? 我最骄傲的事情是什么?
  6. And vince dont tell anyone in your crew about this. 文斯,不要把这件事告诉你船上的任何人。