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2024-02-19 11:39:16
美[ˌvaɪələntʃeloʊ]  英[ˌvaɪələntʃeləʊ]
n.  大提琴
  名词:violoncellist  名词复数:violoncellos


  1. a large stringed instrument; seated player holds it upright while playing


  1. Stucke in F Major for Fagott and Violoncello. 辛德米特:F大调四乐章短曲(为大管与大提琴二重奏).
  2. For violin, viola, violoncello, piano. 门德尔松Felix Mendelssohn.
  3. SCHUBERT: sonata for Violoncello and Piano in A Minor "Arpeggione"D. 舒伯特:“阿佩乔尼”大提琴奏鸣曲;
  4. Ltf proffessionally produces all kinds of musical instrument,including secondary and high-grade violin and violoncello. 曼陀铃等,包括中、高档小提琴,大提琴等,全套连外包装、盒子及各类配件。
  5. In an upstairs room of my city house, at midnight, I would send out through the open windows long, tortured fragments of Alwin Schroeders170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello to mingle with the squeals of cats. 午夜时分,我在城里住宅的楼上房间里,经常拉阿尔温.;舒罗德的《大提琴基本练习曲170首》,从敞开是窗户传出长时间折磨人的练习曲片段,和猫的抗议声混在一起。
  6. Its suitable to many different instruments like Acoustic/Eletric Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo, Ukulele, Bouzouki, Violin, Violoncello, Viola, Pipa, Bandolim, Balalaika and Charango. 它的适合许多不同的文书,如声/电吉他,贝斯,曼陀林,五弦, ukulele , bouzouki ,小提琴,大提琴,中提琴,琵琶, bandolim ,巴拉莱卡和charango 。