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2024-02-19 11:58:17
美[vaɪresənt]  英[vaɪresənt]
adj.  淡绿色的;带绿的;变绿的


  1. Ivory kitchen looks clean sanitation, but do not let virescent yellow appear. 乳白色的厨房看上去清洁卫生,但是别让带绿的黄色出现。
  2. Virescent the vitreous lavatory that grinds arenaceous translucence, look at clean, refined. 淡绿色磨砂半透明的玻璃洗脸盆,看着干净、雅致。
  3. Congee is shown virescent, odour faint scent, heat eats, cool eat all appropriate. 粥呈淡绿色,气味清香,热吃、凉吃均宜。
  4. Virescent, cinnamon, cream-colored and dust-colour curtain are now deeply welcome adornment. 淡绿色、黄褐色、米色和灰褐色窗帘都是今日深受欢迎的装饰。
  5. Virescent attune also can be allocated so that have emotional appeal so, combination rises very harmonious. 淡绿色调也能调配得如此有情调,组合起来十分协调。
  6. Virescent, cinnamon, cream-colored and dust-colour curtain are nowadays deeply welcome adornment. 淡绿色、黄褐色、米色和灰褐色窗帘都是如今深受欢迎的装饰。