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2024-02-19 12:16:17
美[ˌvɪrədesnt]  英[ˌvɪrɪdesnt]
adj.  淡绿色的;有绿色的;带绿色的


  1. Should make enterprise viridescent fetch, the company culture that shapes green is core. 要使企业有绿色的魂,塑造绿色的企业文化是核心。
  2. Yet others may come in warm spring, and enjoy a crystal clear view of the unruffled lake, which reflects the sky like a gigantic viridescent mirror. 就象春日晴和、阳光明媚,波浪不起,蓝天和水色相映,一片碧绿广阔无边;
  3. Creeping closer through the swaying umbrage of the placid, viridescent shadows of the tranquil trees, Tyadara silently drew her steel longsword, hoping to remain unseen as she drew nearer. 在平静的树林的淡绿色,摇曳的阴影掩护下,特雅德拉潜行靠近,无声的拔出她的钢铁长剑,希望能悄悄的靠近。