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2024-02-19 12:40:17
美[vɜːtuː]  英[vɜːtuː]
n.  艺术品;古董


  1. love of or taste for fine objects of art
  2. artistic quality
  3. objet dart collectively (especially fine antiques)


  1. Patience:A minor form of despair disguised as virtu. 耐心:被伪装成美德的轻度的绝望。
  2. Patience: A minor form of despair disguised as virtu. 耐心:被伪装成美德的轻度的绝望。
  3. Lots of charts and formulas have been put forward in virtu e of regression methods. 国内外学者用多元回归的方法提出了许多图表和公式。
  4. Plain heart, living a simple life. Regarde myself as a nice and generousgirl, shortcoming: dislike complicated thing and person, thus always beunsuccessful. Virtu. 平常心,过简单的生活。自认是个很不错的人,大气的简单女孩。缺点:不喜欢复杂的事物和人,因此不成功。优点:不耻下问。不断进取,永远学习。
  5. All applicants, sales should be smart and workhard, expert should be professional and hard working, management should be excellent on virtu, talent and workhard. 凡应聘人员业务员要聪明踏实,专业人员要专业敬业,管理人员要德才体具优。
  6. The conception, structure, features and t endency of virtual instruments are introduced and the method of forming a virtu al oscilloscope and signal generator are introduced. 论述了虚拟仪器技术概念、特点及其发展趋势;并分析了虚拟仪器的结构及虚拟示波器和信号源的构建方法.