2024-02-19 12:49:17
n. 正直;高洁;有德
- the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
- Her virtuousness would be reflected by her support to me. 她的贤慧就是对我的支持。
- We refuse to alter our virtuousness when facing a life of poverty or modest duties. 无论是贫穷的生活或低贱的职务,都不能让我们的节操有所改变;
- At the mere mention of Japanese women, people would always praise them for their tenderness, virtuousness, etc. 谈及日本女性,人们常会夸赞她们温柔贤淑、顺从谦让等等。
- Obtainning wealth and promoting based on long-time work ,it just make sense of honor degenerative and virtuousness promiscuous. 贤与不贤相互混淆。意谓提拔官员不能仅以时间长短来确定。
- Her softness and virtuousness wins the love of both the quarrys manager who is powerful and rich, and the bus driver who is kind and honest. 其实生活就像古老的中国茶韵-终会苦尽甘来。
- Zhaos virtuousness depends on face-painting and sculpting;her first appearance in the movie looked quite embarrassed.And the biggest failure is Chen Kuns acting as Wang. 赵薇的贤惠主要靠化妆和造型,在片中的第一次露面就让人觉得的确很糟糠。