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2024-02-19 13:39:17
美[vɪʒənəl]  英[vɪʒənəl]
adj.  虚幻的;幻影中看见的;幻影的


  1. It came within my range of vision. 该物体进入了我的视野。
  2. We need someone with real vision to lead the party. 我们需要具有真知灼见的人来领导这个党。
  3. The ship came within range of vision. 已经看得见那条船了。
  4. How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? 怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢?
  5. Our field of vision is limited by that tall building. 我们的视野受到了那座高层建筑物的限制。
  6. An organ of vision or of light sensitivity. 眼睛感受视觉或光觉的器官