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2024-02-19 15:03:16
美[vɪtrɪfaɪ]  英[vɪtrɪfaɪ]
v.  (使)变成玻璃;(使)玻璃化
  形容词:vitrifiable  名词:vitrifiability  过去式:vitrified  过去分词:vitrified  现在分词:vitrifying  第三人称单数:vitrifies


  1. change into glass or a glass-like substance by applying heat
  2. undergo vitrification; become glassy or glass-like


  1. Dry powder insulation mortar produced by vitrify micro beads material, have excellent insulation and fire proof heat resistant properties, never crack whith high strength. 玻化微珠材料生产的干粉保温砂浆。具有优良的保温隔热性能和防火耐热抗老化性能,不空鼓开裂。
  2. "Earthenware is the oldest and simplest form;stoneware is fired at a high temperature to cause it to vitrify and harden;and porcelain is a fine, generally translucent form of pottery. 陶器是最古老和简单的陶瓷形式,而石陶器则是在高温下形成的玻璃状硬器皿,瓷器则是一种精致半透明的陶瓷。
  3. Keywords heavy slags;vitrify;decorate material;molten slags;decorate properties; 重矿渣;玻化;饰面材料;熔渣;装饰性能;
  4. vitrify micro beads 玻化微珠
  5. "Earthenware is the oldest and simplest form; stoneware is fired at a high temperature to cause it to vitrify and harden; and porcelain is a fine, generally translucent form of pottery." 陶器是最古老和简单的陶瓷形式,而石陶器则是在高温下形成的玻璃状硬器皿,瓷器则是一种精致半透明的陶瓷。