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2024-02-19 15:29:17
美[vaɪvæks]  英[vaɪvæks]
n.  疟原虫(指引起疟疾的单细胞动物)


  1. The schizonts and gametocytes were somewhat alike to Plasmodium vivax. 裂殖体和配子体与间日疟原虫相似。
  2. There are four types of malaria, but vivax and falciparum are the most common. 疟疾分为四种,其中最为常见的是间日疟和恶性疟。
  3. RESULTS P. vivax in the initial parasitaemia did not infect the mosquito. 结果 虫现期原虫不能使按蚊获得感染。
  4. No cross-reaction between Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. 55%25和100%25,整个试验约需5分钟,与间日疟无交叉反应。
  5. Objective To identify the Plasmodium vivax using digital image processing techniques. 目的应用数字图像技术识别间日疟原虫。
  6. The variant form of DARC stops the growth of Plasmodium vivax one of the four parasites that can cause malaria. DARC的变异形式阻止了间日疟原虫的生长,这是四种引起疟疾的寄生虫的一种。