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2024-02-19 15:43:17
美[ˌvɪvəsekt]  英[ˌvɪvɪsekt]
v.  活生生解剖;行活体解剖
  名词:vivisector  过去式:vivisected  过去分词:vivisected  现在分词:vivisecting  第三人称单数:vivisects


  1. cut (a body) open while still alive;

    "people no longer vivisect animals--its considered unethical"


  1. In time hed subdue this one, and vivisect it to see if he could work out where the errors lay.Then hed try again. 现在他所需要做的只是去抓住它,然后解剖一下,查看失败的原因以便下次不再犯同样的错误。
  2. If we could establish a deep abiding relationship with nature we would never kill an animal for our appetite, we would never harm, vivisect, a monkey, a dog, a guinea pig for our benefit. 如果你能够与自然建立一种深切持久的联系,那么我们便绝不会因喜好而杀死一只动物,不会因我们的利益而伤害,解剖一只猴子,一只狗,一只豚鼠。
  3. people no longer vivisect animals--its considered unethical. 人类不再解剖动物-这被认为是不道德的。
  4. Vivisect observation on blood supply of pulmonary artery in lung cancer tissue 肺癌组织内肺动脉供血活体灌注观察
  5. Keywords Medulla;Vivisect assay tissue;Printing slice;Diagnosis value; 关键词骨髓;活检组织印片;诊断价值;