2024-02-19 16:37:17
adv. 职业上地(业务地)
- affecting the pursuit of a vocation or occupation;
"vocationally trained"
- The courses offered in the school are vocationally oriented. 这学校所设置的课程是为就业作准备的。
- Most business leaders said what they want is not vocationally trained employees , but soundly educated people . 许多商界领导人说他们需要的不是受过职业训练的雇员,而是受过良好教于的人。
- People who are politically and ideologically sound,strong in Party spirit,thoughtful and vocationally skilled are to be found in large numbers in all departments and localities. 政治思想好、党性强,又有见解、有本领的人,各部门各地方有的是。
- People who are politically and ideologically sound, strong in Party spirit, thoughtful and vocationally skilled are to be found in large numbers in all departments and localities. 政治思想好、党性强,又有见解、有本领的人,各部门各地方有的是。
- Vocationally, we also have specialized and become more interdependent on others, and as a result we have diminishing control over large aspects of our lives. 在职业上,我们同样也很专业化以及越来越独立,不再依赖他人,因此我们对生活很大一部分的控制正在削弱。
- The paper explained the intension of core competitiveness of Vocat ional education periodicals and analyzed problems and settlements of raising it. 本文阐述了职教期刊核心竞争力的内涵,分析了职教期刊培育核心竞争力所面临的问题和解决途径。