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2024-02-19 16:48:17
美[voʊkoʊdə]  英[vəʊkəʊdə]
n.  声音合成机


  1. The first experiment with a vocoder was conducted in 1928. 第一次用声码器进行试验是在1928年。
  2. Simulation of Vocoder LPC complete source code can be used directly. (译):声码器的仿真委会完整的源代码可以直接使用。
  3. If this codec is utilized on the vocoder board in the CMG system, with the same number of EVRC sustained,we can reduce quite a few DSPs. 若存CMG系统中的声码器单板上运行这种改进的EVRC编解码算法,在支持相同数目的EVRC编解码器的情况下,能为系统节省一定的DSP数量。
  4. Implement the G729 Speech Vocoder by C programming language, worth of studying for the developer of speech vocoder. 非常流行的c语言实现的g.;729压缩算法,很值得研究语音压缩的开发者一看。
  5. LPC vocoderLPC vocoder with several optionGraphical user interfaceAlso included several. (译):委会vocoderLPC声码器与若干optionGraphical用户interfaceAlso包括几个。
  6. Based on the DSP hardware, a novel encryption algorithm is designed, which can penetrate through RPE-LTP vocoder in GSM voice channel. 作品基于竞赛提供的DSP开发板,设计了一套新型抗RPE-LTP压缩编码的加解密算法。