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2024-02-19 17:12:16
美[voʊlə]  英[vəʊlə]
n.  手掌;足底


  1. Oltre il mare, vola lontano e va. 越过海洋,远远地飞去。
  2. Massaging vola, it can improve blood circulation of foot waist. 按摩足底部,能增进足部及腰部的血液循环,消除疲劳。
  3. Vola caught her when she was playing see-saw behind the back of seat. 沃拉抓拍的这个女孩,她一会猫在靠背后面,不让沃拉逮着,一会又冒出来,沃拉还是逮到了她!
  4. RESULTS 56 components were separated and identified which account for over 89% of total vola... 结论迎春花叶挥发油成分主要为脂肪酸和酯类的衍生物;占挥发油的61.;59%25;其中9;12;15-十八碳三烯甘油酯的含量最高达36
  5. The pictures Vola and Tuan took each other.They sat next to each other so got the heads too large. 团和沃拉互相拍的照片,因为挨得太近,头拍得太大,出了镜头。
  6. Vola, on the bus to Tepapa. 沃拉在汽车上。