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2024-02-19 17:25:16
美[vɒlkænɪklɪ]  英[vɒlkænɪklɪ]
adv.  火山似地;激烈地;猛烈地


  1. by or like volcanoes;

    "volcanically created landscape"


  1. Volcan Hotel Ville : Great Deals Available Now! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
  2. Travertine is a volcanically heated, calcium-rich flow from hot springs. 石灰华是火山的热,含钙丰富的流出热的喷泉。
  3. Most of the islands are part of a geologically unstable and volcanically active island arc. 多数岛屿在地理上都是不稳定的火山活动岛弧。
  4. So they volcanically animadverted on them and wanted to get rid of the groundwork of the family normal and ethic. 他们一方面激烈地批判传统道德体系中的三纲五常,意欲彻底铲除家族道德伦理的根基;
  5. Iceland lies on the convergence of two tectonic plates and is one of the most volcanically active areas in the world. 冰岛位于两大地壳板块的交界处,是世界上火山活动最活跃的地区之一。
  6. Caldera: A broad, crater-like basin of a volcano, formed by an explosion or by collapse of the cone of the volcan. 火山口:火山上类似弹坑的宽阔盆地,它是由火山爆发或火山尖顶塌陷而形成的。