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2024-02-19 17:27:16
美[vɒlkænɪklæstɪk]  英[vɒlkænɪklæstɪk]
adj.  火山碎屑的


  1. Peperite is a special kind of volcaniclastic rock formed by the intermingling of magma with wet sediments. 摘要熔积岩是火山碎屑岩的一种特殊类型,由熔浆和未固结的湿沉积物两种组分掺杂混合而成。
  2. Dolomite and volcaniclastic rocks of Fengcheng formation are also good reservoirs. 风城组的白云岩及火山碎屑岩的分布部位也为良好的储层。
  3. The volcanic rocks of the Lower Es3 in Oulituozi region are mainly volcaniclastic rock,basalt and trachyte. 欧利坨子地区沙三下亚段火山岩类型以火山碎屑岩为主,次为玄武岩及粗面岩。
  4. The Minle Cu deposit is distributed in the middle Triassic calc-alkalic, alkalic volcaniclastic rock, lava and subvolcanic rock(dacite porphyry). 民乐铜矿产于中三叠统钙碱性、碱性系列火山碎屑岩、熔岩、次火山岩(英安斑岩)中。
  5. The protoliths of blueschists and eclogites can be divided into N-MORB, E-MORB, OIB, gabbro, basic volcaniclastic rock, greywacke etc. 蓝片岩和榴辉石的原岩有N-MORB、E-MORB、OIB、辉长岩、基性火山碎屑岩、硬砂岩等类型。
  6. The Nibao gold deposit in Guizhou consists of multistory gold ore bodies,each of which is closely associated with the Permian volcaniclastic rocks. 泥堡金矿具多层含矿特征,各层金矿体均与二叠系火山碎屑岩密切相关。