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2024-02-19 17:46:17
美[vɒlətɪv]  英[vɒlɪtɪv]
adj.  意志的;发自意志的;表示意志的


  1. These changed cognitive belief and volitive efforts may have a positive effect on the performance. 根据已有的研究结果及知识经验,提出一个四步的训练程序,来帮助提高运动员在极限负荷下的心理承受能力。
  2. Being un-utilitarian and nastic, aesthetic attitude opposes to the utilitarian (volitive) and scientific (rational) of working attitude. 审美态度与工作态度的功利性(意志)、科学性(理性)相对立,审美态度是非功利的,感性的。
  3. Being un-utilitarian and nastic, aesthetic attitude opposes to the utilitarian ( volitive ) and scientific (rational) of working attitude. 审美态度与工作态度的功利性(意志)、科学性(理性)相对立,审美态度是非功利的,感性的。
  4. 1. Being un-utilitarian and nastic, aesthetic attitude opposes to the utilitarian ( volitive ) and scientific (rational) of working attitude. 审美态度与工作态度的功利性(意志)、科学性(理性)相对立,审美态度是非功利的,感性的。
  5. volitive faculty 意志力
  6. strong volitive faculty 坚强的意志力