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2024-02-19 18:22:17
美[vɑːljuːm]  英[vɒljuːm]
n.  卷;体积;册;音量;容量


  1. 卷,册,本
  2. 体积,容积,容量
  3. 额,数量
  4. 音量,响度
  5. 大量,许多
  6. <书>书籍,书卷,书
  7. 【史】书卷,卷轴
  8. 大块
  9. 量,分量
  1. 把…收集成卷


  1. [C] 卷,册,书卷 any of a set of books of the same kind or together forming a whole
  2. [U] 体积; 容积,容量 the size of a solid thing or of a space, measured by multiplying the length by the width by the depth
  3. [U] 音量,响度 degree of loudness of sound


  1. the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object;

    "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"

  2. the property of something that is great in magnitude;

    "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk" "he received a mass of correspondence" "the volume of exports"

  3. physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together;

    "he used a large book as a doorstop"

  4. a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications;

    "the third volume was missing" "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review"

  5. a relative amount;

    "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water"

  6. the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction);

    "the kids played their music at full volume"


  1. increase the volume增大音量〔容量〕
  2. publish the volume出版书集
  3. turn down〔up〕 the volume降低〔增大〕音量
  1. attractive volume有吸引力的书
  2. growing volume不断增大的容量
  3. overall volume总体积
  1. volume control音量控制
  1. novel in three volumes分为三册的小说
  2. voice of great volume洪亮的声音
  1. volume of poems诗集


  1. This volume contains selections from his early works.该卷包含了他的早期作品文选。
  2. This volume is foxed on the flyleaf.这卷书的空白页发黄了。
  3. A gas has neither definite volume nor definite shape.气体既无一定体积,又无一定形状。
  4. Is that volume still in print?那册书还能买到吗?
  5. He bound up the two book into one volume .他将两本书装订成一册。
  6. This button is for adjusting the volume.这个按钮是调节音量的。
  7. She turned down the volume on the radio.她关小了收音机的音量。
  8. Gastric secretion is reduced in volume and total acid content.胃分泌的容量和总酸度降低。