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2024-02-19 18:39:16
美[vəlʌptʃueri]  英[vəlʌptʃuəri]
n.  酒色之徒
adj.  沉迷酒色的


  1. a person addicted to luxury and pleasures of the senses
  1. displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses;

    "an epicurean banquet" "enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs" "Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence" "a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness"


  1. Long is the way the leads of the voluptuary to the severities of life. 将骄奢淫逸的人引到艰苦的生活中来,这条路是漫长的。
  2. an adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasures(Thomas De Quincey) 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中(托马斯 德 坎塞)
  3. an adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasures(bThomas De Quincey) 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中(b托马斯 德 坎塞)
  4. "an adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasures" (Thomas De Quincey) “一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中”(托马斯·德·坎塞)
  5. an adventurous voluptuary,angling in all streams for variety of pleasures(Thomas De Quincey) 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中(托马斯·德·坎塞)
  6. an adventurous voluptuary,angling in all streams for variety of pleasures(bThomas De Quincey) 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中(b托马斯·德·坎塞)