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2024-02-19 18:44:16
美[vəljuːʃən]  英[vəljuːʃən]
n.  涡形;旋涡;螺旋


  1. a rolling or revolving motion


  1. We call this process organic volution. 我们把这种过程称为生物进化。
  2. A single turn or volution of a spiral shell. 壳阶、螺层、毛轮螺壳的一个单个转变处或涡卷
  3. Process volution: Key process areas are not processes. 过程进化:关键过程域并不是过程。
  4. On the left wrist, were two circular excoriations, apparently the effect of ropes, or of a rope in more than one volution. 左腕上有两圈擦伤,分明是几根绳子,或者是一根绳子捆上两三道勒出来的。
  5. Maturity distribution and e volution of Cambrian source rocks are delinea ted using software BasinMod-1D on 250wells and 340pseudowells from the 26seismic profiles. 利用BasinMod-1D软件计算了250口探井,26条地震测线中约340个人工井点有机成熟度随时间的变化,据此编制不同地质时期塔里木盆地台盆区寒武系有机成熟度平面变化图。
  6. With continuous bolt drive, liquid seals off a cavity to another, forces out the pump body finally with volution way from a pressure sealing off accvity. 随着螺杆的连续传动,液体以螺旋形方式从一个密封腔压向另一个密封腔,最后挤出泵体。