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2024-02-19 19:12:17
美[vɔːtɪkəl]  英[vɔːtɪkəl]
adj.  旋涡的


  1. The Pheonix bird is idealized by glaring colours in a vortical drifting world. 也或是一种内在语言的矛盾统一。
  2. Vortical Square Image Main Body Board and Tube Lamp Combining for Soft Illumination Design. 垂直式方形影像透光板;镜面不锈钢外框;辅筒灯照明.
  3. Enhancement of the vortical effect can benefit both the side force and the normal force. 涡系诱导作用增强,对侧向力和法向力都有增值。
  4. Siphon type is divided again for type of siphon of eject of general siphon type vortical siphon type. 虹吸式又分为一般虹吸式 喷射虹吸式 旋涡虹吸式 。
  5. Now domestic airline, be the brim in the market or the competition in the market vortical in? 现在国内的航空公司,是在市场的边缘还是在市场的竞争旋涡中?
  6. Abstract: A vorticity-stream function method was developed to simulate unsteady vortical flows. 文章摘要: 为有效地模拟二维有分离现象的粘性流动,发展了求解涡量一流函数方程的数值方法。