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2024-02-19 19:37:17
美[vɒks]  英[vɒks]
n.  声音


  1. the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract;

    "a singer takes good care of his voice" "the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations"


  1. Vox, any bonus credits for the first one? 第一个报名有奖品?....
  2. I decided to conduct a modest vox pop. “我不喜欢60年代,”莱辛说。
  3. Neither the VOX or the hybrid require any adjustments. 无论是vox或是混合线路都不需要任何调试。
  4. Shanghai party chief Chen Liangyu sacked for graft is the vox pop. 上海市市委书记陈良宇因贪污而被罢免大振人心。
  5. Fabrication of 128-element uncooled VOx thermal IR detectors[J]. 引用该论文 王宏臣;易新建;陈四海;黄光;肖静.
  6. Lady Vox, I will see you soon, our long delayed nuptials can now proceed! 维科斯,我马上就要见到你了,我们被耽搁的婚礼终于可以举行了!”