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2024-02-19 19:48:17
美  英
n.  虚拟打印机设备驱动程序


  1. VPD? Virtual Printer Device Driver? 虚拟多印机设备驱动程序?
  2. When T-R`/R-R 过早发生的室早(当T-R/R-R<0.;22时)在临床上应予足够的重视。
  3. The application of VPD technology is introduced in the domestic and foreign field of machinery. 介绍了虚拟产品开发技术在国内外机械领域的应用情况;
  4. This article introduces a method which can solve the problems, with combining the parallel of VPD and designing. 本文利用VPD(虚拟产品的开发设计)技术的并行协同设计,解决以往传统设计的不足;
  5. Virtual product development (VPD) is the digital mapping of real product development in the computer environment. 虚拟产品开发是现实产品开发在计算机环境中的数字化映射,它将极大地缩短产品上市时间。
  6. The system can be made use of in the application of VPD for new product development in enterprises. 对VPD在企业进行新产品开发的应用具有普遍的借鉴意义。