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2024-02-19 20:31:17
美[vʌlɡəraɪz]  英[vʌlɡəraɪz]
v.  使通俗化;使粗俗;使下流
  名词:vulgarization  过去式:vulgarized  过去分词:vulgarized  现在分词:vulgarizing  第三人称单数:vulgarizes


  1. cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use;

    "They popularized coffee in Washington State" "Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors"

  2. debase and make vulgar;

    "The Press has vulgarized Love and Marriage"

  3. act in a vulgar manner;

    "The drunkard tends to vulgarize"


  1. Her taste in clothing is rather vulgar. 她穿着相当俗气。
  2. Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar. 直接从碗里咕嘟咕嘟地喝汤是粗俗的
  3. We were offended by his vulgar language. 我们被他的粗话所激怒。
  4. Cut out all the vulgar expressions. 删去所有粗俗的用语。
  5. Spitting in public is considered vulgar. 当众吐痰被认为是粗鄙的行为。
  6. He found himself married to a vulgar shrew. 他发现自己跟一个俗不可耐的悍妇结了婚。