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2024-02-19 21:09:17
美  英
sp.  =World Air Cargo Organization 世界空运组织


  1. a city in east central Texas


  1. Koresh was killed in the 1993 standoff in Waco. 考雷什在1993年韦科镇对峙事件中身亡。
  2. The U.S. would do exactly what was done in Waco, TX. 美国会像在德克萨斯州的维科做的那样。
  3. But we couldnt, and finally admitted defeat on April 21, two days after Waco. 但我们未能打破,在韦科事件两天后,也就是4月21日,最终承认了失败。
  4. Thousands of Common Grackles fly over downtown Waco and the Alico Building after sunset in Texas. 日落后,成千上万只白头翁飞翔在德克萨斯闹市区的天空中。
  5. President Bush waves with his daughter Jenna Bush as they walktoAir Force One in Waco, Texas Sunday, June 17, 2007. 上周日,布什总统在德克萨斯农场的家中打开了他收到的父亲节礼物。