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2024-02-19 21:46:16
美[wæɡteɪl]  英[wæɡteɪl]
n.  令科之鸟


  1. Old World bird having a very long tail that jerks up and down as it walks


  1. To the left and center of the picture can be seen the migratory white wagtail which passes through Taiwan every year. 图左中间则是今天仍每年过境台湾的候鸟白鹡鸰。
  2. But Gavroche, who was of the wagtail species, and who skipped vivaciously from one gesture to another, had just picked up a stone. 伽弗洛什,象只动作急捷变换不停的鹡鸰,已从地上拾起一块石头。
  3. White Wagtail ( Motacilla alba ) 白鶺鸰
  4. Energetics of Growth of the Nestlings of Yellowed-Headed Wagtail 黄头鹡鸰雏鸟生长能学的研究
  5. Breeding Habit of White Wagtail in Nanchong, Sichuan 四川南充地区白鹡鸰的繁殖习性
  6. On the Taxonomy of two Subspecies of Wagtail from Xinjiang 新疆的鹡鸰属两个亚种分类的商榷