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2024-02-19 21:47:17
美  英
n.  (伊斯兰教)瓦哈比教派的教徒


  1. a member of a strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect from Saudi Arabia; strives to purify Islamic beliefs and rejects any innovation occurring after the 3rd century of Islam;

    "Osama bin Laden is said to be a Wahhabi Muslim"


  1. It occurred in 19 of the 1930s China Ikhwan factions, which began in Saudi Wahabi movement. 它发生于19世纪30年代的中国伊赫瓦尼派别之中,而发端于沙特阿拉伯瓦哈比运动。
  2. Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands. 库尔德人和土耳其人,巴格达的什叶派和沙特阿拉伯的瓦哈比派已经在此消除了困扰他们国家的教派纷争。
  3. He belongs to the same sub-clan as Mr Aweys and follows a similar fundamentalist interpretation of Wahhabi Islam. 他同阿威斯同属一个次部族,信仰一种类似的伊斯兰教瓦哈比派的正统教义。
  4. For Saudi Arabia is a country in which both rulers and ruled are equally arch- conservative, adhering, for the last two centuries, to the puritanical Wahhabi doctrine of Islam. 两个世纪以来,沙特阿拉伯的统治者和被统治者遵循着伊斯兰教瓦哈比教派的教条,极其保守,相互依靠。
  5. Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam,strictly upholds the austere Wahhabi school of Islam and bases its constitution on the Koran and the sayings of Prophet Mohammad. 沙乌地阿拉伯是伊斯兰教的发源地,该国谨守严格的瓦哈比教派教义,而且宪法也是在可兰经和先知穆罕默德语录的基础上创立的。
  6. Fueled by vast amounts of money, Wahhabi ideas found their way into almost all Muslim countries, shifting the tone of Islam everywhere and giving resources to radicalized young men. 有大量资金的支持,伊斯兰瓦哈比教派思想找到了灌输到几乎所有的穆斯林国家的途径,使得所有地方的伊斯兰教徒的语气都有所转变,其激进的年轻人获得了资源。