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2024-02-19 22:39:17
美[wɔːkəθɒn]  英[wɔːkəθɒn]
n.  <美><加拿大>(尤指为特定事业筹款而进行的) 步行马拉松


  1. But returned again on May 11, just in time for the walkathon. 但是五月十一日这天,牠又回来了,而且刚好赶上健走马拉松的活动。
  2. Please be reminded to bring along the Sponsorship Form on the Walkathon Day. 填妥之赞助表格则需于活动当日出示盖印。
  3. Please be reminded to bring along your Sponsorship Form on the Walkathon Day. 填妥之赞助表格则需于活动当日出示盖印。
  4. The Walkathon will become an annual event to signify our commitment to serve the community. 比赛将会被定为一年一度的活动,以体现港大及舍堂就服务社会的承担。
  5. Vice-Chancellor Charles K. Kao (right 2) delighted by the huge gathering at the charitable walkathon (1995). 高锟校长(右二)欣见校园公益行人头涌涌(一九九五)
  6. Back in Eastbourne, business, school and civic organizations rallied to help the Thurstons with volunteer fund-raisers: sales of donated goods, a swim meet, walkathon. 他们一回到伊斯特本,商界、学校和一些民间组织以及一些自愿募捐者聚在一起共同帮助瑟斯顿一家:出售捐赠的物品,组织游泳聚会和竞走比赛等。