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2024-02-19 23:30:16
美[wɑːndər]  英[wɒndə(r)]
vi.  漫步;蜿蜒;迷路;闲逛;徘徊
vt.  漫步于
n.  漫游;徘徊;闲逛
  副词:wanderingly  名词:wanderer  过去式:wandered  过去分词:wandered  现在分词:wandering  第三人称单数:wanders


  1. 徘徊,闲逛,游荡,漫游,溜达
  2. 彷徨
  3. 流浪
  4. 蜿蜒
  5. 偏斜
  6. 【机械学】漂移,漂动
  1. 迷路
  2. 闲逛,徘徊,漫游
  3. 无目的地移动
  4. 曲折地流,蜿蜒错列,蜿蜒
  5. 流浪,漂泊,游荡
  6. 离开正道,离题
  7. 错乱
  8. 漂移
  9. 走岔,离散,走失
  10. 离开
  11. 失神,出神,彷徨


  1. vt. & vi. 漫游,徘徊 go from place to place without any special purpose or destination
  2. vt. & vi. 迷失 leave the right path or direction


  1. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment;

    "The gypsies roamed the woods" "roving vagabonds" "the wandering Jew" "The cattle roam across the prairie" "the laborers drift from one town to the next" "They rolled from town to town"

  2. be sexually unfaithful to ones partner in marriage;

    "She cheats on her husband" "Might her husband be wandering?"

  3. go via an indirect route or at no set pace;

    "After dinner, we wandered into town"

  4. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course;

    "the river winds through the hills" "the path meanders through the vineyards" "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"

  5. lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking;

    "She always digresses when telling a story" "her mind wanders" "Dont digress when you give a lecture"


  1. wander the desert在荒漠上徘徊
  2. wander the neighbourhood在附近徘徊
  1. wander aimlessly无目的地徘徊
  2. wander blindly盲目地徘徊
  3. wander casually偶尔徘徊
  4. wander dejectedly沮丧地徘徊
  5. wander dreamily恍惚地徘徊
  6. wander erratically不规律地徘徊
  7. wander freely自由地徘徊
  8. wander hopelessly无希望地徘徊
  9. wander idly无聊地徘徊
  10. wander languidly懒散地徘徊
  11. wander leisurely悠闲地徘徊
  12. wander listlessly焦躁地徘徊
  13. wander pleasantly愉快地徘徊
  14. wander slowly慢慢徘徊
  15. wander off迷失,离开正途或正确方向
  1. wander back to回想到
  1. wander around在…前后转来转去
  2. wander from从…离开


  1. He likes to wander over the countryside.他喜欢在乡间漫步。
  2. The river wanders through some beautiful country.这条河蜿蜒曲折地流经一些风景秀丽的乡村。
  3. I like to wander in the park after dinner.我喜欢晚饭后在公园里闲逛。
  4. The boy was wandering around.男孩在那周围徘徊。
  1. The travelers are wandering the forests and fields.旅行者漫步穿过森林与田野。
  1. She went for a little wander round the park.她到公园去遛达遛达。
  2. I went to the park and had a wander around.我去公园转了一圈。
  3. I wander in the passageway, the school is empty.我在学校的走廊里徘徊。
  4. You wander upon the remains of an weathered shrine.你在这个风化的神殿的废墟上徘徊。
  5. I went to the park and had a wander around.我去公园转了一圈。


    wander的基本意思是“漫游”,通常指懒洋洋地、无目的地、在有限范围内或者是远距离地漫步,其主体对进入的地方一般没有多大兴趣。引申可表示“迷失”“精神错乱”等。有时也可指流水或离题地演说。 wander既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,多接地点名词作宾语。