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2024-02-19 23:56:17
美[wɑːpɪti]  英[wɒpɪti]
n.  麋鹿


  1. large North American deer with large much-branched antlers in the male
  2. common deer of temperate Europe and Asia


  1. Ingredient: wapitis fetus extract ,peal powder, soybean extract and amylum. 马鹿胎、珍珠粉、大豆提取物、淀粉。
  2. Emphases were put on:(1) reasons for death in sika deer and wapiti,(2)regularity of common diseases. 现将我国12个省区26个茸鹿养殖场的茸鹿死亡原因进行了调查,指出了引起成年鹿和幼鹿死亡的主要疾病以及鹿常见病的发病规律。
  3. Five blood protein loci(Alb,Pro,Tf,Prt,Hb)of 40 Xinjiang Tianshan Wapiti were detected by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 采用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,分析了40头新疆天山马鹿的血清白蛋白(Alb),前白蛋白(Pro),转铁蛋白(Tf),前转铁蛋白(Prt),血红蛋白(Hb)5个蛋白座位的基因型频率、基因频率和群体遗传变异指标,以便为天山马鹿选种选配繁育工作提供理论依据。
  4. Objective To study the ultrastructural changes of wapiti oocytes and provide theoretical basis for wapiti breeding arid reproduction. 摘要目的通过对马鹿卵母细胞的超微结构进行研究,旨在为马鹿繁殖育种的研究提供基础理论依据。
  5. This is also how the Native Americans survived the difficult and cold winters of the plains; they would watch nature and follow the buffalo and wapiti (elk) herds. 这也是美国土著可以在平原艰难寒冷的冬天也能得以幸存的原因;他们会观察大自然并跟随野牛和麋鹿群。
  6. In so doing, they could not only hunt some of the buffalo and wapiti for fur and food source, but also eat of the roots, nuts, berries and grasses that they likewise consumed. 这么做,他们不仅可以猎取野牛和麋鹿作为毛皮和食物来源,还可以与它们一样以树根,坚果,浆果和草类为食。