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2024-02-20 00:40:17
美[wɒrəntəbəl]  英[wɒrəntəbl]
adj.  可保证的;可承认的;正当的


  1. You shouldnt arrest him without warrant. 你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。
  2. Nothing can warrant such severe punishment. 这样严厉的惩罚毫无根据。
  3. That does not warrant you in doing so. 那并不表明你有理由这样做。
  4. The trouble isnt over yet, Ill warrant you. 麻烦事并没有完,我可以给你打包票。
  5. The detectives swore out a search warrant. 侦探们立誓获得搜索状。
  6. The police obtained a search warrant for his house. 警察拿到了搜查他家的搜查证。