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2024-02-20 01:00:16
美[wəz]  英[wəz]
v.  是(is,am的过去式)


  1. a light strong brittle grey toxic bivalent metallic element


  1. He was fined 200 dollars.他被罚款200美元。
  2. I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。
  3. Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920.1920年,贞德被追封为圣女。
  4. The girl charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead.据说那个被指控谋杀的女孩是疯子,不能为自己申辩。
  5. I didnt know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人。
  6. He lived in California until he was twenty.他在加里弗尼亚一直住到20岁。
  7. Thats just what I was thinking.我也是这么想的。
  8. His behavior was, in a word, shocking.总之,他的行为是令人震惊的。