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2024-02-20 01:16:17
美[wɒʃərɪ]  英[wɒʃərɪ]
n.  洗选厂(洗涤间)


  1. Production workmanship and dust resource of the coal warehouse top in Zhun Geer Coal Washery have been clarified. 以准能公司选煤厂毛煤仓仓顶为例,对准能公司选煤厂仓顶的生产工艺系统和尘源进行了分析。
  2. Production workmanship and dust resource of the coal warehouse bottom in ZhunGeer Coal Washery have been clarified. 以准能公司选煤厂毛煤仓仓下为例,对准能公司选煤厂仓下的生产工艺系统和尘源进行了分析。
  3. It demonstrates that it is economically and technically feasible to apply washery coal to lurgi pressurized gasifier. 说明王庄洗精煤用于鲁奇加压气化炉无论经济或技术都是可行的。
  4. This article gives a brief introduction on the operation of Lurgi pressurized gasifier using Wangzhuang washery coal. 介绍了鲁奇加压气化炉使用王庄洗精煤的生产运行情况。
  5. A brief introduction for applied situation, applied effect and applied prospects of wear-resisting in washery. 介绍了抗磨材料在选煤厂的应用情况、应用效果以及应用前景。
  6. The operation results of commercial coal washery tailings/coal washery rejects co f... 并结合工程实际介绍了洗煤泥、煤矸石流化床混烧技术的应用。