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2024-02-20 01:50:17
美[weɪstlɪs]  英[weɪstlɪs]
adj.  用不尽的;无穷无尽的


  1. A brave new wasteless world seemed nigh. 一个没有垃圾的美丽新世界似乎指日可待了。
  2. Then a wasteless mining design for a large underground copper mine is discussed. 介绍了我国有色矿山实现无废开采的途径以及某一大型矿山的无废开采设计。
  3. Wasteless mining is a new idea and an important subject which attracts the whole worlds great attention in 21 century. 无废开采是一个全新的概念,是21世纪所普遍关注的议题。
  4. Aadoted epoch-making telescopic nozzle technique of Hirano of Japan,which allows full,wasteless utilization of the hot air jet out of the floating nozzle to the width of process. 采用了日本平野公司的具有划时代意义的伸缩喷嘴技术,从而保证了织物加工过程中喷嘴喷出的热空气得到最大限度的利用而无浪费。
  5. As a conclusion,it is suggested that the wasteless mining should be taken into consideration at the stage of mine planning. 在此基础上提出在矿山设计及项目评价时应该研究无废开采的问题。
  6. There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less wasteless pollution in our life. 还有废品再利用的方法。能尽力将废品回收再利用,那废品将会大量减少,周围的污染也会大大减轻。