2024-02-20 02:00:16
adj. 值得注意的
- Learning the pattern recognition Watchable. 该程序可以对二维三类样本进行分类,并画出分界面.学习过模式识别的人必看.要学习神经网络的人必看,代码简单,实用性强-the procedure three samples of two-dimensional classification and paint interface.
- Two movies where not watchable from the cinematic player. 在电影播放器中两段动画无法观看的问题。
- She definitely makes at least part of the movie very watchable. 她绝对是使这部电影值得关注的一个原因。
- The film is only watchable because of the efforts of three actors. 相反,影片是一部让观众喜闻乐见的轻喜剧,以稍显卡画的表现手法刻画了一个不近人情、将下属当牲口一样随便使唤的女魔头形象。
- ISDs voice recording circuit chip. Watchable voice recorders information. ISD公司的语音芯片录音电路。语音录放必看资料。
- This is from CinemaxHD and while the quality isnt stunning, its watchable. 下回来发现画质不理想,放弃制作。