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2024-02-20 03:11:17
美  英
adj.  华托式的(指法国画家华托作品中的女子服装式样的)


  1. French painter (1684-1721)


  1. Admiration for the drawings of Watteau has always been equal to that of his paintings. 人们对华铎绘画的赞赏总是与他的画作相互同等。
  2. The bourgeois and comfortable Watteau dress had a straight cut and fell loosely over the hoop skirt. 人约白叼775年以来,流行裙长至脚面时,裙子在两侧及后面向上抽起,在臀垫处蓬起。
  3. Antoine Watteau is considered to be one of the first Rococo painters.He often created asymmetrical compositions. 安东尼.华铎被视为是第一波洛可可风潮的画家之一,他常常创作出不对称的构图。
  4. Watteaus artistic legacy pervades French art up to the emergence of Neoclassicism. 华铎的艺术传奇遍及整个法国艺术界,并促使了新古典主义的出现。
  5. He gained renown for his charmingly suggestive mythological scenes, ultimately inspired by Peter Paul Rubens and Jean-Antoine Watteau. 最后,他从彼得保罗鲁本和华铎那儿激发了灵感。
  6. Lucie, a young art history student, tries to uncover the identity of a woman represented from behind in Watteaus paintings. 25岁的女大学生露西正在对画家华托的作品进行研究。