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2024-02-20 04:14:17
美  英
n.  西偏北


  1. the compass point that is one point north of due west


  1. Four different starting gBN from different manufacturers were used in the experiments to synthesis wBN under the same conditions of shock compressions. 在相同的冲击波条件下,对四种不同来源的gBN进行了合成试验。
  2. Reported in the paper are techniques of wurtzite type boron nitride(wBN) synthesis from graphite type BN(gBN) by means of shock compressions created via explosive detonation. 本文报道了用国产石墨型氮化硼(gBN)为原料在炸药爆炸产生的冲击波作用下合成纤锌矿型氮化硼(wBN)的技术。
  3. Boron Nitride is a kind of crystal formed by atoms of nitride and boron at a portioning of 43.6% boron and 56.4% nitride. It has 4 variant from: hBN,rBN,cBN and wBN. 氮化硼是由氮原子和硼原子所构成的晶体;化学组成为43.;6%25的硼和56
  4. Histochemical staining showed that tyrosinase activity was present only in the PON skin but not in the AOA skin, and the white skin of blind side of albino (termed WBA skin) and normal turbot (termed WBN skin). 组织化学染色显示:酪氨酸酶的活性只出现在大菱醉PON皮肤中,而AOA、WBN、WBA三种皮肤中都没有酪氨酸酶活性。 在PON皮肤中发现了大量的黑色素细胞,而AOA、WBA、WBN中没有黑色细胞。
  5. Based on the performance tests of WBN tacky granular ANFO, the major effective factors of its performances are analyzed in the light of the reaction mechanism of commercial explosive. 在性能试验研究的基础上,根据工业炸药的混合反应机理,分析了影响WBN增粘粒状铵油炸药性能的主要因素。
  6. The new district has independent public utility systems of water supply, drainage, heating supply, gas, wideband network(WBN), cable TV, independent sewage and garbage disposal facilities. 新区内有独立的供水、排水、供热、供电、燃气、宽带网络、有线电视等公用设施系统,独立设置污水处理及垃圾处理设施。