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2024-02-20 04:22:16
美[wiːk]  英[wiːk]
adj.  弱的;虚弱的;无力的;差的;淡薄的
  比较级:weaker  最高级:weakest


  1. 弱的,疲软的,差的
  2. 虚弱的,无力的,无生气的
  3. 懦弱的,软弱的
  4. 稀薄的,稀释的,稀的
  5. 不能令人信服的,不能说服人的
  6. 微弱的,不充分的
  7. 隐约的,淡薄的
  8. 易破的
  9. 弱变化的
  10. 不牢固的
  1. 剑身弱部
  1. 使变淡


  1. 弱的,无力气的,易毁坏的,容易被击败的 lacking strength or power; easily broken, bent or defeated
  2. 功能不佳的 not functioning properly
  3. 无说服力的,无力的 not convincing or forceful
  4. 稀的,稀释的 containing a high proportion of water; dilute
  5. 未达高标准的,有缺陷的 not achieving a high standard; deficient


  1. wanting in physical strength;

    "a weak pillar"

  2. overly diluted; thin and insipid;

    "washy coffee" "watery milk" "weak tea"

  3. (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress;

    "a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable" "a weak stress on the second syllable"

  4. wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings;

    "Im only a fallible human" "frail humanity"

  5. tending downward in price;

    "a weak market for oil stocks"

  6. deficient or lacking in some skill;

    "hes weak in spelling"

  7. lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality;

    "a feeble old woman" "her body looked sapless"

  8. (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection
  9. not having authority, political strength, or governing power;

    "a weak president"

  10. deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc;

    "a faint outline" "the wan sun cast faint shadows" "the faint light of a distant candle" "weak colors" "a faint hissing sound" "a faint aroma" "a weak pulse"

  11. likely to fail under stress or pressure;

    "the weak link in the chain"

  12. deficient in intelligence or mental power;

    "a weak mind"


  1. weak answer缺乏说服力的回答
  2. weak character优柔寡断的性格
  3. weak coffee淡咖啡
  4. weak constitution虚弱的体质
  5. weak defence不牢固的防御工事
  6. weak fort不坚固的堡垒
  7. weak heart心脏衰弱
  8. weak pretext经不起推敲的托词
  9. weak railing不牢固的栏杆
  10. weak soup稀汤
  11. weak spots弱点
  12. weak voice微弱的声音
  1. a little weak差一点
  2. rather weak有点虚弱
  3. so weak如此虚弱
  4. still weak依然虚弱
  1. weak to hold up roof无法支撑房顶
  2. weak to say a word虚弱得不能说话
  3. weak to walk无力走路
  1. weak at在…方面弱的
  2. weak from由于…而虚弱的
  3. weak in在…方面弱〔差〕的
  4. weak in geography地理知识薄弱
  5. weak in hearing听觉差
  6. weak in mathematics数学差
  7. weak in spelling拼写差
  8. weak in the legs腿无力
  9. weak of understanding理解力差
  10. weak on name记不住名字
  11. weak with由于…而虚弱的
  12. weak with hunger饿得身体虚弱


  1. The troops were too weak to withstand.军队太弱了,抵挡不住下一次进攻。
  2. The small weak child became the scorn of the class.这个瘦小软弱的孩子成为全班嘲笑的对象。
  3. He was too weak even to lift his hand.他虚弱得连手都抬不起来。
  4. She felt weak from lack of sleep.她由于睡眠不足感到浑身无力。
  5. Your argument is too weak to convince me你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。
  6. A person with weak sight cannot see far.视力差的人不能看得很远。
  7. According to the direction, we need a weak sugar solution.按照指示,我们要用少放糖的配方。


    weak的基本意思是“弱的,无力的”,用于人可修饰人体或人体的某个器官,也可修饰人的意志。用于物时可指某物的性能不好,即“功能不佳的”,也可指某物在理论上让人无法信服,即“无说服力的,无力的”。weak还可指“稀的,稀释的”“未达高标准的”。 weak在句中可用作表语,也可用作定语。用作定语时,其后可接具体名词或抽象名词,作表语时,其后可接介词短语、动词不定式或that从句。


  1. 他的视力和听力都很差。

    He is weak at sight and hearing.

    He is weak in sight and hearing.

    表示“在…方面差”,应该说be weak in,其中in不能改成at。