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2024-02-20 05:09:16
美[weðəˌtaɪt]  英[weðətaɪt]
adj.  防风雨的(风雨密的)


  1. Certain construction disputes are heard by the Weathertight Homes Resolution Service. 某些涉及建筑方面的争议,则由“防漏住房调解服务”这个专门设立的机构来处理。
  2. A duplicate set of fire control plans should be permanently stored in a prominently marked weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse. 防火控制图应永久地储存在标记显著的风雨密围壁内。
  3. The Weathertight Services is only one part of the department, which gives people the opportunity to know how to make a claim. 不过法庭会建议先以仲裁的方式调停,没有结果才转给法庭。
  4. measures to make your home weathertight 使你家防风雨的措施
  5. Marine weathertight single-leaf steel doors 船用风雨密单扇钢质门
  6. Ships and marine technology - Small weathertight steel hatches 船舶和海上技术。钢质小型风雨密舱口