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2024-02-20 05:59:16
美[wiːl]  英[wiːl]
adj.  <苏>好的
adv.  =well
sp.  <苏>好


  1. Answer question:Emmas very weel too. 回答问题:埃玛也很好。
  2. And fare thee weel, my only luve! 我唯有的爱,你如仙女美丽
  3. And fare thee weel my only love! 珍重吧,我唯一的爱人。
  4. And fare thee weel, my only luve, And fare thee weel a while! 并且会好好侍奉你,我唯一的爱人好好侍奉你到永远!
  5. She does not know London very weel, and she lost her way. 她不太熟悉伦敦, 所以她迷了路。
  6. And fare thee weel, my only luve, And fare thee weel, a while! 再见了,我只钟情于你一人,再见了,咱们后会有期!