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2024-02-20 06:00:17
美[wiːn]  英[wiːn]
vt.  <古>认为; 以为
  过去式:weened  过去分词:weened  现在分词:weening  第三人称单数:weens


  1. No words are necessary bet ween two loving hearts. l两科相爱的心不需要言语.
  2. LET WE 17 SAY HELLO TO 17 WEEN YOUR FACE! 咩任黎??系边度接??佢讲紧仙度个个任?要等架咩
  3. Conclusion ISR and higher PAI 1 were ween in coronary heart disease group. 结果 冠心病患者胰岛素敏感指数 (ISI)较对照组低 ,PAI 1较对照组升高。
  4. Methods The comparison be ween combination therapy and single usage of mizolastine was taken. 方法比较卡介菌多糖核酸联合咪唑斯汀与单用咪唑斯汀治疗慢性荨麻疹的临床疗效。
  5. This article roots in Baldwin and Mazumdars debate on the relationship bet ween trade and growth. 本文的写作动机直接来源于 baldwin和 Mazumdar关于贸易与增长关系的争论。
  6. Open and shut-down is operated by the density variati on bet ween condensation water and steam,Condesation water can drive valve directly,featuring precision and reliability. 倒置桶疏水阀的开启和关闭是根据凝结水和蒸汽的密度差来动作的,凝结水可直接驱动疏水阀启闭,其动作准确,可靠性高。