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2024-02-20 06:14:17
美  英
sp.  <德>n.(纳粹德国的)国防军


  1. Wehrmacht Flak 88 health increased from 200 to 325. 国防军防御学的88炮生命值由200增加到325。
  2. He saw every weapon the Wehrmacht had, in action. 在作战中,他见过德军拥有的所有武器。
  3. The Wehrmacht: A "Blitzkrieg" armed force? 国防军:“闪击”武装力量?
  4. The Wehrmacht is becoming stingier all the time about this. 对于这一点,德军越来越苛刻。
  5. There was a Wehrmacht unit and a Waffen SS unit in the town. 城里有一支国防军部队位和一支武装党卫军部队。
  6. Allied forces crumbled before the wehrmacht meat grinder. 盟军在德国国防军绞肉机面前出现溃败。