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2024-02-20 06:17:16
美[weɪ]  英[weɪ]
v.  衡量;称(重量);重达 ...
  名词:weigher  过去式:weighed  过去分词:weighed  现在分词:weighing  第三人称单数:weighs


  1. 考虑
  2. 加过重负担于
  3. 称起来
  4. 量,衡量
  5. 掂估
  6. 量体重
  7. 估量优劣
  8. 比较考察
  9. 可重视
  10. 重要
  11. 压,压下
  12. 有分量
  13. 有影响
  14. 重压,把…压弯
  15. 【海】起锚,启航
  16. 掂估…的分量
  17. 有…重量
  18. 有分量,有重要性,有影响
  19. 仔细考虑,权衡,斟酌
  1. 称量
  2. 衡量
  3. 过秤
  4. 重多少
  5. 估量
  6. 道路
  7. 重量


  1. vt. & vi. 称…的重量,估量 measure (by means of a scale) how heavy sth is
  2. vi. 重达(多少) show a certain measure when put on a scale, etc.
  3. vt. 权衡; 考虑 compare the importance, value, etc. of (one thing and another)


  1. have a certain weight
  2. show consideration for; take into account;

    "You must consider her age" "The judge considered the offenders youth and was lenient"

  3. determine the weight of;

    "The butcher weighed the chicken"

  4. have weight; have import, carry weight;

    "It does not matter much"

  5. to be oppressive or burdensome;

    "weigh heavily on the mind" "Something pressed on his mind"


  1. weigh eighty pounds重80磅
  2. weigh ones words斟酌词句
  3. weigh the advantages and disadvantages权衡利弊
  4. weigh the baby称婴儿的体重
  5. weigh the biscuits称饼干
  6. weigh the evidence考虑这个证据
  7. weigh the idea考虑这个意见
  1. weigh carefully仔细地称重,仔细地考虑
  2. weigh correctly正确地考虑
  3. weigh gravely郑重地提出意见
  4. weigh heavily负载超重
  5. weigh judiciously明智地考虑
  6. weigh minutely很小影响
  7. weigh seriously严重影响
  8. weigh in称重量,(拳击手、摔跤手等赛前)称体重
  9. weigh down with debts〔anxieties〕负债累累
  10. weigh out称重量
  11. weigh up仔细考虑
  1. weigh against成为对…不利的证据,使…跟…比较以权衡优劣
  2. weigh on压在…上,使(某人心情)沉重


  1. He weighed the ideas in his mind.他在脑中权衡着这些想法。
  2. Its been weighing on my mind for days whether to tell her or not.我这几天心烦意乱,不知道应该不应告诉她。
  3. The branches of the trees were weighed down by snow.树枝被雪压弯了。
  4. He weighed in at several pounds below the limit.他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。
  5. Some of the stones weigh twenty-six tons!有些石头重达二十六吨!
  6. A full-grown elephant can weigh over 6,000 kilograms.一头成年大象能重达六千多公斤。


    weigh的基本意思是“称…的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。 weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。 weigh偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。