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2024-02-20 06:27:17
美[weɪtɪli]  英[weɪtɪli]
adv.  重;沉重地;重要地


  1. in a serious manner;

    "the speech was weighty and it was weightily delivered"

  2. as something very heavy;

    "she moved weightily"


  1. Results All the 42 cases,6 were longitudinal,23 were medium and 13 were weightily. 结果:42例盆腔淤血综合征患者轻度6例,中度23例,重度13例。
  2. Chromatic features have been weightily and widely applied to the recognition systems of color images. 色度学特征在彩色图像识别系统中有着重要而广泛的应用。
  3. Crawler crane is one of the necessary equipments and weightily type in project construction at hoist industry. 履带起重机是工程起重机行业的一个重要门类,是现代工程建设施工中不可缺少的大型设备之一。
  4. Weightily, it pockets authors desire of looking for hero and stubborn adoration of force. 叙说屈辱,不只是对人性进行修复,更重要的是对英雄的渴望与寻觅。
  5. Custom is an important part of bearing culture and influences the bearing notion weightily. 习俗是生育文化中的重要组成部分,它对人们的生育观念具有多重影响,且影响力不可低估。
  6. Finally, there are 38 wild species which should be protected weightily and they belong to 27 families and 34 genera. 6.丰都县主要森林内有38种保护野生植物,分属27科,34属。