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2024-02-20 07:27:16
美  英
n.  温德尔(m


  1. Wendell: Its a mess, aint it, sheriff? 温德尔:一片杂乱,不是吗?长官?
  2. I found a good way to cage Wendell at night. 我找到了一个晚上把温德尔关进笼子里的好办法。
  3. Wendell:I spent three nights hiding in that tree. 温德尔:我在那棵树上藏了三个晚上,
  4. Wendell: But you dont believe it. 温德尔:但是你不相信我说地。
  5. Oliver Wendell Holmes was known as "the great dissenter". 奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯以“大反对家”而著称。
  6. Life, not the parson, teaches conduct(Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. 是生活而不是牧师,告诉人们该如何行动(新立弗 温德尔 霍姆斯)。