2023-11-30 23:52:16
n. 水兵
- a serviceman in the navy
- Then he calls up bluejacket of an United States order line: "Saw that 200 meters high flag post? 接着他叫来一名美国水兵命令道:“看见那根200米高的旗杆了吗?
- Bluejacket just leaves before long, because day opportunity will raid, nimitz gives orders light-off, rectify an admiral at a draught immediately inky. 水兵才离开没多久,因为日机来袭,尼米兹便下令熄灯,一下子整条旗舰马上一片漆黑。
- Lake of mew of morrow early morning seals aspic, li Hongzhang is eager to hurrying on with ones journey, authentic of bluejacket you a life puts sail a boat on the ice. 清朝大学士李鸿章到巢湖游玩,夜宿姥山寺。次日清晨巢湖封冻了,李鸿章急于赶路,乃命水兵凿冰行船。
- " eye of British bluejacket pop cried. 英国水兵瞪大眼睛叫了起来。
- " American bluejacket executed an order outstandingly. 美国水兵出色地执行了命令。
- 9 see joke: Two bluejacket are outside battalion excessive drinking, fall into a river in, after answering battalion, commander tongue-lashs them, call in their off card. 9看笑话: 两个水兵在营外酗酒,掉进河里,回营后,司令官把他们大骂一顿,并收回他们的休假证。