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2024-02-20 07:46:17
美  英
sp.  威悉河[德意志联邦共和国北部]


  1. a river in northwestern Germany that flows northward to the North Sea near Bremerhaven


  1. Soon the parade left the town and went to the Weser River. 没多久,队伍离开了镇上,来到了威瑟河。
  2. A city of northwest Germany on the Weser River south of Bremen. 明登德国东北部一城市,位于不来梅以南的威悉河畔。
  3. Soon the parade left the town and marched to the Weser River. 最后这些老鼠变得更大、更强壮了。牠们开始和猫狗打架。
  4. A city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Weser River near the North Sea. 不来梅港德国西北部一城市,位于北海附近的威悉河河口。
  5. A city of northwest Germany on the Weser River southwest of Hamburg. 不来梅德国西北部一城市,位于汉堡西南的威悉河上。
  6. Zugspitze, the Danube, the Rhine, Elbe, Weser, Boden Lake Chiemsee, the countrys total forest area by 30%. 楚格峰,多瑙河,莱茵河,易北河,威悉河,博登湖,基姆湖,森林占全国面积30%25。