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2024-02-20 09:02:17
美[wɔːfɪdʒ]  英[wɔːfɪdʒ]
n.  码头的使用费;码头的使用;码头业务


  1. a fee charged for the use of a wharf or quay
  2. a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats


  1. Captain J.A. Cates Tug and Wharfage Co. Ltd. v. Franklin Insurance Co. 凯特上尉拖轮和码头公司诉富兰克林保险公司案
  2. Exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax, duty, impost and fees. 免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。
  3. And so likewise,on the sea coast or on large rivers,may water carriage: though the wharfage or harbour-roomapplicable to the service of that mode of transport is in many situations far short of what would be used if easily attainable. 海边或大河上的水运也是如此,不过在很多情况下,为这种运输方式服务的码头或泊位则远远不能满足需要。
  4. With effect from WG working group whf wharfage 码头搬运费
  5. Dockage; wharfage; wharfage charges 码头费;船坞费
  6. Review invoices for approval and resolve discrepancies for all bulk marine movments and include freight, port fees, agency fees, wharfage and dock fees 审核运输发票,处理所有的费用偏差,如运费,港口费,码头费,代理费