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2024-02-20 10:38:16
美[waɪləm]  英[waɪləm]
adv.  曾经;以前;从前
adj.  以前的;从前的


  1. As all the people know about the event, he have been more famous as whilom. 不过大家都知道顾毅同性恋的邮件事件了,算是提高了知名度。
  2. In the whilom example in any event, the baggage is about certainly pregnant. 这幕景象本来是微不足道的,但几天之后,我才知道这事的底细。
  3. Of course ,that needs(means ) 98% of homes are not being whilom(reclaimed ) buy lenders. 当然,这意味着98%25的家庭并没有被领回的,由贷款人。
  4. Jimmy Oliver was the whilom district attorney serving at this time, and incidentally free and adviser to Mr. Butler in many ways. 吉密·奥列弗是从前的地方检查官而且这时恰巧正在许多方面做巴特勒的义务顾问。
  5. Jimmy Oliver was the whilom district attorney serving at this time, and incidentally free adviser to Mr. Butler in many ways. 吉密?奥列弗是从前的地方检查官而且这时恰巧正在许多方面做巴特勒的义务顾问。
  6. The values in the pursuit keeps moving so that lose its original appearance .It was not until we were under the burden that we recalled the whilom dream . 那价值的追求也在移动变幻中找不到本来面目,终于当自己为生活所累或厌倦时,才想起那曾经的梦想。