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2024-02-20 10:56:16
美[wɪp]  英[wɪp]
n.  鞭子;鞭打;鞭状物
v.  抽打;彻底打败
  名词:whipper  过去式:whipped/whipt  过去分词:whipped/whipt  现在分词:whipping  第三人称单数:whips


  1. 鞭子
  2. 鞭打,抽打,一击,一挥
  3. (猎人的)专管猎狗的副手
  4. 鞭伤,鞭痕
  5. <主英>执鞭者,马车夫
  6. 搅拌器,打蛋器,风车翼
  7. 蛋奶水果甜点心
  8. 组织秘书(英国和美国的政党中负责确保本党党员出席政府重大辩论并投票的官员)
  9. <澳口>大量
  1. 鞭打,抽打,用鞭子责罚,鞭笞
  2. 一下子猛地移动,急走,急冲
  3. 迅速作成
  4. 匆匆写出
  5. <口>击败,胜过
  6. <英俚>偷走,骗得
  7. 驱使,迫使,促使
  8. 严厉批评,痛斥,抨击,鞭挞
  9. 搅打(蛋、奶油等)成糊状
  10. 用细绳缠绕加固,锁(边),拷(边)
  11. 反复投钓丝钓鱼


  1. vt. & vi. 鞭打; 抽打 strike with a whip; beat or flog
  2. vt. & vi. 搅拌 beat (eggs, cream, etc.) with a fork or other utensil to mix thoroughly or to make stiff
  3. vt. & vi. 突然拿走 take, move suddenly


  1. an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used for whipping
  2. a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline
  3. a dessert made of sugar and stiffly beaten egg whites or cream and usually flavored with fruit
  4. (golf) the flexibility of the shaft of a golf club
  5. a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object;

    "the whip raised a red welt"

  1. beat severely with a whip or rod;

    "The teacher often flogged the students" "The children were severely trounced"

  2. defeat thoroughly;

    "He mopped up the floor with his opponents"

  3. thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash;

    "The tall grass whipped in the wind"

  4. strike as if by whipping;

    "The curtain whipped her face"

  5. whip with or as if with a wire whisk;

    "whisk the eggs"

  6. subject to harsh criticism;

    "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday" "the professor scaled the students" "your invectives scorched the community"


  1. whip the culprit鞭打罪犯
  2. whip the eggs搅拌鸡蛋
  3. whip the horse鞭打马
  1. whip brutally残忍地鞭打
  2. whip deservedly罪有应得的鞭笞惩罚
  3. whip remorselessly悔恨地鞭笞
  4. whip savagely野蛮地鞭打
  5. whip unmercifully无情地鞭打
  6. whip viciously凶恶地鞭打
  7. whip away突然〔猛地〕移开; 急忙带走
  8. whip back突然弹回
  9. whip in迅速进入或离开; 用鞭或其他类似之物驱赶; 召集
  10. whip off迅速离开; 突然拿去(遮盖物); 迅速带走
  11. whip on策(马)向前
  1. whip into迅速搅拌成; 激励


  1. The whip swished through the air.鞭子嗖地一声在空中挥动。
  2. He cracked his whip and the horses began to trot.他噼噼啪啪地挥鞭策马狂跑。
  3. The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip.残酷的主人鞭打他的奴隶。
  4. He was given 30 lashes of the whip.他被鞭打三十下。
  1. The colt used to whip seamen had disappeared on the ship.船上用来鞭打水手的笞绳不见了。
  2. Their team really whipped ours at volleyball.他们的排球队彻底击败了我们队。


    whip的基本意思是“用鞭子打人或动物”,引申为“鞭策或督促(某人快走、努力等)”“激发(情绪、热情等)”“激励”“唤起”。 whip既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 whip的过去式和过去分词均为whipped。